
CO-OP logo update

CO-OP, a show about videogames, recently went to a live format and with that started using a new logo! Even better, it was designed by the creator of Fez, a game I blogged about way back when.



Matt Chandronait explains:

Why is this logo new/old instead of just new? Because it's what indie game designer Phil Fish originally came up with wa-hay back in the day when we were first slapping our show and our business together! 

That original CO-OP logo was deemed by some powers that be that it wasn't "gamer" enough, but we've always had a soft spot in our collective heart for it and with the launch of a show that will hopefully involve you as much as it does us, it honestly felt more fitting.

It's really awesome, and it's interesting that this "new" logo was actually created first and they liked this one all along. Even though their first used logo is really creative, this one is much more so! I love its rounded, unified clover-like form. All the letters just fit together perfectly.

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