
Autodesk 123D

Just found out about this website, which I think I'll be going to regularly!

My favorite part of the site is 123D Catch. It's really neat; you take 20-40 photos of an object or person from multiple angles and upload them, and the site will create a 3D render of it that you can rotate and look at from all angles. It even has simple tools you can use to clean up the 3D render it creates. Looks really awesome, and it's great for figure drawing practice. There's an iPad/iPhone app too.



Disco Destroyer, a new show that will be on Liquid Television when it relaunches next year!


I heard this movie was so bad Claire Danes cried when she saw it. This video is really good though.


New sticker design: Bridesmaids

I'm going to miss Kristen Wiig after she leaves SNL. I tried to draw her here in a scene from Briesmaids.

Here she is saying goodbye to the SNL cast!


My hero

*Shoots five dudes* "Use it or throw it away." *Shoots another dude*



A third Supercop Sticker!

Jackie and Michelle fly out of a car they just parked. I did this one in one day!

Hey Ash used my art

One of my designs is featured on heyash.com! I'd sent this to them last year when they were putting together their DVD for season 2 and were asking for submissions. It's a bunch of vector drawings of scenes from each episode of season 2. They didn't use it back then, but Ash contacted me recently saying they loved it and would like to use it for their website header.

Here's what it looks like!