
Fantasy VHS by Luxury Elite

One of my favorite Vaporwave music video things by one of my favorite Vaporwave artists.

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Three great things about Tim Doyle's Robocop poster

This is a poster that Tim Doyle designed for the Castro Theater.

“Murphy’s Frankenstein existence is designed from head to toe to be a Cop who acts on his pre-programmed directives, but who he is comes through regardless- much to the disappointment of his employer/manufacturer. And that’s what I wanted to depict here, the man coming through the machine.”

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Why I like Jay Shaw’s Robocop poster

This is a poster that designer Jay Shaw created for the Alamo Drafthouse.

It makes sense to watch a film and say, ‘the story is about that so this image should communicate that idea well.’ Every idea can be broken down to some base image, it’s just a matter of figuring out what the image is.”

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Why I like the Goonies 2 NES box art

This is box art for The Goonies 2 for the original NES, which came out in 1987.

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Why I like this Topps 1979 Baseball wax pack

A sweet illustration that reminds me of other things I liked as a kid even though I never got into baseball cards.
Image from dacardworld.

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