
POSTERS: Otomo x Graphic Design

I picked up this book a while ago. Really cool to see Otomo combine his signature drawing style with some good typography and color!



Atari 2600 Box Art Design vs Gameplay

"Somewhere in the subconscious regions of my brain, I think the graphic designer in me was born on that day in 1983, hooked on the visuals of that particular moment in time."

Here's an intersting article about the fantastic illustration and design of Atari box art. 

Here's some more, from this video, along with a fun comparison of box art with actual gameplay.


Japanese Newspapers

Very cool typography in these Japanese newspapers from the late 1800s through the 1950s. I like the way they combine illustrations with it, or break up really dense blocks of type with wide open space.


Homage and its vintage tees

Homage is a shop that specializes in apparel with vintage-style artwork.

The designs are amazingly simple. They do a lot with It’s really cool!



Wicked City

Wicked City is a 1987 anime film directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri.